Sunday, July 18, 2010

Grieving Worm Farmer Needs to Share

I am a Vermicomposter, one who keeps worms to eat my veggie and fruit waste.  I have been doing this for about 7 years, and today I went outside to feed them a bunch of overly ripe grapes and plums, only to discover that the excessive heat we have been experiencing has killed them all.

This happened to me a few years ago, a few months into the vermicomposing life, when my area proved to be not shady or cool enough and the worms cooked.  I then moved the bins under my outdoor stairs and have been very happy with the results, until now. 

It's amazing how one can become attached to worms.  I don't name them or pet them (like my son did when we first got them), but I very much appreciate the job they do for me.  Every week or so, I am able to recycle a few pounds of trash into soil that my plants love.  Coffee grounds, hair, dryer lint, any fruit of veggie, pasta, bread, anything that isn't meat or dairy can be eaten by the worms.

The bin is a three-tier dealy that I bought through the county for about $30.00.  The bottom bin has a spigot that I can drain the nitrogen-rich liquid and water my plants with.  A few years ago, I poured it around my grapefruit trees and it got rid of a bunch of white flies that were taking over.  It's a bit stinky, but is marvelous stuff.  Black tea, they call it. 

When I went to feed them tonight, I noticed an "off" smell and was a bit apprehensive to lift the lid.  My worst fears were realized.  My usually wriggling mass of thousands of worms were a stagnant sludge.  I pout as I type this.  Now I get the unenviable task of scraping the mess to the side and see if there are any survivors in the lower levels.  If not, back to square one.  Sad.

1 comment:

  1. Im sorry about your worms my you!we will have a little worm funeral if youd like...



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