Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Lent Day 22: I Should Be In Bed, But . . .

But I want to spend a few moments blogging.  I'm liking this habit of expressing myself.  I feel connected to the folks who are reading it and I imagine you as I sit here in my chair.  I send love and blessings.

A few folks mentioned to me that they tried to comment to my posts but didn't have any luck.  I will work on making this easier for ya'll, because I love the feedback and insights.  If anyone has experience with Blogger and knows how to do this, please let me know.  I will have one of my students look at it tomorrow.  She is amazing with this stuff.  I will also see about making the font bigger.  For now, I know if you click the tiny red "no comments" button on the bottom of each post, you can post through there, although it won't show up until I have waved my magic fairy wand.  I set the comments to filter through me first mainly so that I wouldn't miss any.  I must be honest, however, and also say that I'd like to read any comments before they are made public.  I guess this is part of my "need to control".  I can live with this aspect of myself for now.  :)

I'm going to keep this post short, as I am beat, but my mind has been chewing on something I heard today on the Dr. Dyer audio I mentioned previously.  The title of the book is Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life and it is based on Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching.  I can't remember right now which chapter it's from, but Dyer talks about the power of water.  It is strong enough to shape rock, yet one can't just grab it with a bare hand.  The idea behind the chapter is to stop swimming against the tide.  He says to let our dreams flow freely and picture the as of yet elusive ones as behind a closed door.  The door represents the reasons we've told ourselves why we don't deserve whatever the dream is.  (Examples would be abundance, a great relationship, whatever.)  Now picture the water getting through the door, however your imagination wants to see it.  I pictured the door as representing a belief I have against being financially abundant.  My limiting thoughts have been that I am a fraud, that no-one would want to pay me the money I want for the skill set that I have, that I wouldn't be responsible if I had a lot of money, etc.  I started picturing water seeping under that door.  I smile and feel powerful at this image.  What are the doors in your life?  What stands between you and your dreams?  Spend some time visualizing the water getting through that door, however that looks for you.  I will, too.

Neither of these images matched the one in my head, but they'll do.  They both felt good to me, especially the one where the water is pouring through, not just seeping.

Goodnight and thanks for listening and giving such great feedback.



  1. Wait a minute . . . is this a spot to post comments? I was playing around with the settings today and I might have fixed the problem!!!

  2. If this comment posts, then I would say the problem has been fixed.


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