Friday, March 6, 2015

Lent Day 17: Gorgeous Day . . . So far!

Last night Sal and I attended a Full Moon Ceremony.  There's nothing like dancing barefoot in the wet grass to the beat of drums and shakers under a full and brilliant moon to clear out the old feelings of repression.  (If you don't believe me, try it.  It works best with fun friends, especially uninhibited ones!)

When we got home, she was energized and was ready to tackle more work.  I, however, happily crawled into my cozy bed.  I didn't even need a few pages of reading to turn off my thoughts.

I awoke feeling light and warm.  I pressed snooze a few times, figuring a ponytail could replace a shower today.

Sal made me breakfast to go and as I drove the curvy road through the old oaks, I decided to keep the windows down and listen for bird song during the 15 minute drive to work instead of music or the audiobook.  I smiled each time I caught a little as I drove through the streets.  I don't know which birds make which noises, but it didn't matter.  They are going along doing their thing as was I.  I felt at one with nature.  It didn't hurt that the morning was so gorgeous.

It's funny.  My goal was to feel less stress and negative emotions on such a continual basis.  Now that I am, I wonder if something's wrong with me.  Our culture is a stressed out one.  We want more peace and serenity, yet don't trust that people who are living that way aren't missing something.  Last week I was talking to Jake and he didn't really buy it when I expressed that when we live a life that isn't unhappy, we're adding to the positivity of the world in general.  Our being sick or poor or unhappy doesn't  help anyone else be healthy, living in abundance or happy.  That's ok.  I'll keep living my life and let him live his.

Short but sweet.  Feeling good.  Hope you are too.

Thanks for listening.

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